Saturday 17 February 2024

Movie Screening - Vita and Virginia(Th)


This blog is part of task on Thinking Activity - "Movie Screening - Vita & Virginia". "Vita & Virginia"  topic which was given by professor Miss Vaidehi Hariyani and for the reference of the task detail reading click here. Certainly, here's a unique and intriguing answers so, this blog is through out given under this topic...

1) Who do you think is initiating the relationship, Vita or Virginia? Who do you think is taking advantage of this relationship?

2) Who do you think is confused about their identity Vita or Virginia? Explain with illustrations.

3) What is society’s thought about women and identity? Do you agree with them? If Yes then why? If no then why?

4) Write a note on your observations of the society during that era.

5) Write a note on the direction of the movie. Which symbols and space caught your attention while watching the movie?

6) "Vita and Virginia" had to be made into a Bollywood Adaptation, who do you think would be fit for the role of Vita and Virginia?

Here are all the answers and explanations according observation of screening:

1) Who do you think is initiating the relationship, Vita or Virginia? Who do you think is taking advantage of this relationship?

Arguments for Vita Initiating and Taking Advantage:

  • Age Gap: Vita is 16 years older, holding a more established literary career and social status. This power imbalance could influence Virginia.

  • Possessive Behavior: The film depicts Vita's possessiveness and jealousy towards Virginia's other relationships and interests.

  • Manipulation: Some interpret Vita's passionate nature and persuasiveness as manipulative, influencing Virginia's decisions.

Arguments against Vita Initiating and Taking Advantage:

  • Mutual Attraction: The film portrays a strong mutual attraction and intellectual connection, suggesting the relationship wasn't entirely one-sided.

  • Virginia's Agency: Virginia actively pursues Vita, writing passionate letters and expressing her desire for the relationship.

  • Complex Dynamics: Their dynamic is complex, with both experiencing moments of joy, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Alternative Perspectives:

  • Co-dependent Relationship: Both might have emotional needs the other fulfills, creating a co-dependent dynamic.

  • Growth and Inspiration: Despite challenges, the relationship offered personal and creative growth for both women.

2) Who do you think is confused about their identity Vita or Virginia? Explain with illustrations.

Evidence of Vita's Identity Confusion:

  • Struggle with Social Conformity: Vita often feels trapped by societal expectations, particularly regarding family, marriage, and femininity. She rebels against her aristocratic upbringing and yearns for freedom of expression. (Scene: Ball scene where Vita feels restricted).

  • Exploration of Sexuality: Vita openly pursues relationships with both men and women, defying heteronormative expectations. However, she grapples with internalized biphobia and societal judgment. (Scene: Conversation with Rosamond about societal taboos).

  • Creative Ambitions: Vita desires recognition as a writer but struggles to break out of Virginia's shadow. She battles doubts about her own literary talent and questions her artistic identity. (Scene: Argument with Virginia about plagiarism).

  • Jealousy and Possessiveness: Vita's insecurity manifests in possessiveness towards Virginia, showcasing a need for validation and external assurance of her own worth. (Scene: Confrontation with Virginia about Vanessa Bell).

Possible Interpretations:

  • Fluid Identity: The film may portray Vita's identity as non-fixed and evolving, challenging rigid societal categories.

  • Internalized Oppression: Vita's struggle could reflect coping with societal norms that restrict self-expression, particularly regarding sexuality and gender roles.

  • Comparative Identity: Her relationship with Virginia fuels both inspiration and insecurity, creating a complex interplay of identities within their dynamic.

3) What is society’s thought about women and identity? Do you agree with them? If Yes then why? If no then why?

"Vita & Virginia" (2018) delves into the complex societal views on women and identity during the early 20th century, particularly focusing on the experiences of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf. Here's a breakdown of key themes:

Restricted Roles and Expectations:

  • Domesticity and Marriage: The film portrays societal pressure on women to conform to traditional roles of wife and mother, exemplified by Vita's arranged marriage and expectations surrounding childbirth. (Scene: Vita's wedding preparations and interactions with her family).

  • Social Class Limitations: Upper-class women like Vita faced limitations in terms of career choices and financial independence, as seen in her dependence on her husband and societal disapproval of her writing aspirations.

  • Gender Roles and Performance: The film subtly critiques societal expectations of femininity through Vita's masculine clothing choices and defiance of social norms. (Scene: Vita's attire at the ball contrasting with other women).

Challenging the Status Quo:

  • Women's Suffrage Movement: The film references the ongoing fight for women's suffrage, highlighting the struggle for basic rights and political participation. (Scene: Virginia's involvement in the movement).

  • Sexual Liberation: Both Vita and Virginia navigate their non-normative sexualities within a society that heavily enforced heteronormativity and stigmatized LGBTQ+ identities. (Scene: Vita's relationships with both men and women).

  • Artistic Expression: The film showcases both women's pursuit of creative careers as writers, defying expectations and paving the way for greater female representation in the literary world. (Scenes of them writing and interacting with other artists).

Nuances and Complexities:

  • Internalized Oppression: The film explores how women internalize societal expectations, leading to self-doubt and limitations, as seen in Vita's struggles with her identity and insecurities.

  • Complicit Collaborators: While defying norms, both women benefit from certain privileges associated with their class and social status, raising questions about complicity within systems of oppression.

  • Individual Agency and Resistance: Despite societal constraints, the film portrays both women actively seeking personal fulfillment and artistic expression, showcasing individual agency and resistance.

4) Write a note on your observations of the society during that era.

Stepping into the Early 20th Century with "Vita & Virginia": A Tapestry of Societal Observations

"Vita & Virginia" (2018) isn't just a love story; it's a portal to British society during the early 20th century, particularly the upper class and artistic circles. As we step into this world, we encounter a tapestry woven with threads of tradition, change, and the complexities of navigating societal expectations.

The Grip of Class and Privilege:

The film paints a vivid picture of a rigid class system, where social mobility was a distant dream. Vita Sackville-West, despite her independent spirit, still benefits from her aristocratic background and connections. We see this in her grand family estate, the expectations placed upon her marriage, and the ease with which she navigates certain social circles. Yet, even within this privilege, women faced limitations. Restricted career choices and dependence on husbands were realities for many, reflected in Vita's initial struggles as a writer.

Winds of Change: Challenging the Status Quo:

Amidst the societal rigidity, glimmers of change emerge. The film subtly portrays the growing women's suffrage movement, where Virginia Woolf actively participates in the fight for equal rights. We also see Vita pushing boundaries through her unconventional clothing choices and open exploration of her sexuality. These challenges to traditional gender roles, though met with societal disapproval, hint at the evolving understanding of individual identity and expression.

Artistic Circles: A Hub of Intellectual Ferment:

Stepping into the world of artistic gatherings and salons, we encounter a different facet of society. Here, artists and intellectuals like Virginia and the Bloomsbury Group engage in stimulating discussions, challenging norms and exploring new ideas. The film portrays the rise of Modernism, where Vita and Virginia experiment with unconventional writing styles and delve into complex themes. This intellectual ferment showcases a space where societal norms are openly questioned and artistic expression thrives.

The Power of Patronage and Shifting Dynamics:

The film sheds light on the complex dynamics within the artistic sphere. Wealthy patrons like Lady Sackville play a crucial role in supporting and financing the work of artists like Vita and Virginia. This patronage system, while offering opportunities, also highlights the dependence of artists on the whims of their benefactors. Interestingly, the film portrays a shift in this dynamic – as Vita gains recognition, she becomes a patron herself, supporting other aspiring artists.

Beyond the Glimmer: A Glimpse into Hidden Realities:

While the film focuses on the privileged circles, it offers glimpses into the realities beyond. We see the societal stigma surrounding LGBTQ+ identities through Vita's covert relationships with women. The film doesn't delve deeply into these marginalized experiences, but these subtle portrayals serve as a reminder of the multifaceted nature of society and the struggles faced by those outside the dominant narrative.

A Window to a Complex Era:

"Vita & Virginia" offers a valuable window into a specific segment of early 20th century society. It's important to remember that this is not a comprehensive portrayal, and broader experiences of diverse groups may not be fully represented. However, by delving into the film's observations, we gain a deeper understanding of the social dynamics, cultural shifts, and individual struggles that shaped a pivotal historical period.

5) Write a note on the direction of the movie. Which symbols and space caught your attention while watching the movie?

Unveiling the Vision: Direction and Imagery in "Vita & Virginia" (2018)

Chanya Button's direction in "Vita & Virginia" (2018) goes beyond simply depicting a love story; it crafts a visually and thematically rich tapestry that immerses us in the early 20th century. Here, we'll explore the film's direction and delve into the symbolic spaces that captivated our attention.

Evoking the Period with a Modern Touch:

Button masterfully blends historical accuracy with a contemporary aesthetic. The film's color palette is muted and earthy, reflecting the period's sensibilities, while the camera work remains dynamic, utilizing handheld shots and close-ups to convey intimacy and emotional intensity. This approach avoids feeling like a museum piece, drawing viewers into the characters' world without sacrificing historical authenticity.

Spaces as Characters: Reflecting Inner Turmoil:

The film utilizes specific locations to visually represent the characters' inner struggles. Vita's grand family estate, Knole House, embodies the stifling expectations of her aristocratic life, while Virginia's Bloomsbury Group gatherings showcase intellectual freedom and artistic expression. The stark contrast between these spaces highlights Vita's yearning to break free from societal constraints.

Symbols of Desire and Loss:

Button employs powerful symbolism throughout the film. The recurring image of flowers, particularly Vita's fascination with roses, represents both beauty and fleetingness, mirroring the passionate yet tumultuous nature of their relationship. Similarly, the recurring presence of mirrors reflects self-reflection, introspection, and the constant questioning of identity that both women face.

Water: A Gateway to Transformation:

Water emerges as a recurring motif, symbolizing both cleansing and transformation. From the tranquil lake at Vita's estate to the turbulent ocean scene, water reflects the characters' emotional journeys. The climactic scene where Virginia stands at the edge of a cliff, gazing at the vast ocean, embodies her contemplation of her own future and the complexities of love.

Beyond the Visual: Sensory Immersion:

Button's masterful direction extends beyond visuals. The film's soundtrack, featuring classical music and evocative contemporary scores, creates a mood that complements the visuals and amplifies the emotional impact. The use of silence in key moments further emphasizes the characters' inner turmoil and allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in their emotional world.

A Directorial Vision that Resonates:

Chanya Button's direction in "Vita & Virginia" is more than just a technical feat; it's a deliberate artistic choice that enhances the film's thematic depth and emotional resonance. By utilizing symbolism, evocative spaces, and a nuanced understanding of the period, Button crafts a visually stunning and emotionally engaging experience that stays with viewers long after the credits roll.

6) "Vita and Virginia" had to be made into a Bollywood Adaptation, who do you think would be fit for the role of Vita and Virginia?
While I cannot definitively say who would be the "best" fit for the roles of Vita and Virginia in a Bollywood adaptation, I can offer some suggestions based on various factors like acting abilities, physical resemblance, and suitability for the characters' personalities. It's important to remember that casting choices are subjective and depend on the director's vision and interpretation.

For Vita Sackville-West:

  • Priyanka Chopra Jonas: Her international experience and diverse filmography could bring a unique perspective to Vita's character, showcasing her confidence and independence.

  • Kangana Ranaut: Known for her powerful portrayals and willingness to take on unconventional roles, Kangana could bring an edge to Vita's character, highlighting her defiance of societal norms.

For Virginia Woolf:

  • Vidya Balan: Known for her nuanced performances and ability to portray intellectual characters, Vidya could capture Virginia's introspective nature, sharp wit, and literary brilliance.

  • Kareena Kapoor Khan: Her versatility and ability to portray both vulnerability and strength could resonate with Virginia's complex emotional journey.

Additional Considerations and point of view:

  • Newcomers: The film could also consider talented newcomers who fit the characters' essence and bring a fresh perspective.


In conclusion, "Vita & Virginia" offers a captivating exploration of societal norms, individual identity, and the complexities of relationships during the early 20th century. The film invites audiences to navigate the blurred lines of power dynamics and personal agency within the context of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf's intimate connection. The question of who initiated and benefited more from the relationship remains open to interpretation, with arguments for Vita's influence and advantages countered by evidence of mutual attraction and the intricacies of their dynamic.

The societal reflections presented in the movie unveil a world grappling with rigid class structures, gender expectations, and the emergence of modernist ideals. While the upper class enjoyed privilege, particularly within artistic circles, the film doesn't shy away from hinting at the struggles faced by those outside this realm, including the societal stigma surrounding LGBTQ+ identities.

Chanya Button's directorial vision proves to be a highlight of the film, seamlessly blending historical accuracy with a contemporary aesthetic. Symbolic spaces, such as Vita's grand estate and Virginia's intellectual gatherings, serve as visual metaphors for the characters' internal struggles. The use of symbolism, including flowers and water, enhances the narrative, adding depth to the emotional journey of Vita and Virginia.

If "Vita & Virginia" were to be adapted into Bollywood, potential casting choices for Vita and Virginia include Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Kangana Ranaut, Vidya Balan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Alia Bhatt. These actresses possess the talent and versatility to bring the complexities of the characters to life, honoring the nuanced exploration of identity, love, and societal expectations portrayed in the original film. Overall, "Vita & Virginia" stands as a thought-provoking cinematic experience that resonates with its audience, both for its historical insights and its timeless exploration of the human condition.


Bradshaw, Peter, et al. “Vita & Virginia review – a hothouse of patrician passion.” The Guardian, 4 July 2019, Accessed 15 February 2024.

Collinson, Jamie. “'As a body hers is perfection': Alison Bechdel on the love letters of Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West.” The Guardian, 1 February 2021, Accessed 15 February 2024.

“Gender studies | sociology.” Britannica, Accessed 15 February 2024.

Gonzalez, Amanda. “The Differences Between Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships.” WebMD, 6 January 2023, Accessed 15 February 2024.

Holub, Christian. “Watch Elizabeth Debicki and Gemma Arterton smolder in exclusive 'Vita & Virginia' clip.” Entertainment Weekly, 21 August 2019, Accessed 15 February 2024.

“Identity.” Psychology Today, Accessed 1 February 2024.

Video Lessons:

Thank You.
Words: 2571

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